Alongside Night

Wĭthûr Wē by Matthew Bruce Alexander
Wĭthûr Wē by Matthew Bruce Alexander

Over at Ars Gratia Libertatis (Art for the Sake of Liberty), ADUCKNAMEDJOE has a list of what he considers to be the five best free libertarian novels. The first novel of our very own Matthew Alexander made the list.

  1. Alongside Night by J. Neil Schulman
  2. Wĭthûr Wē by Matthew Alexander (Help out the author and Prometheus Unbound by buying a copy.)
  3. Time Will Run Back by Henry Hazlitt (Help out the Mises Institute by buying a physical or digital copy.)
  4. And Then There Were None by Eric Frank Russel
  5. A Lodging of Wayfaring Men by Paul A. Rosenberg

ADUCKNAMEDJOE also throws in as a bonus a free libertarian short story, “Lippidleggin’ by F. Paul Wilson, about circumventing food prohibition laws. Head on over to Ars Gratia Libertatis to read his descriptions of these stories.

What do you think of the items on the list? Is anything missing?


Also via Ars Gratia Libertatis, a couple of videos on the importance of art and culture for liberty:

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